Intro to Little Letters

The original reason I titled this blog Letters From Lindsay is because I got a kick out of writing short letters to things.  Sometimes they were letters to people, but most of the time they were letters to things a person wouldn’t normally write a letter to.

Take this for example:

Dear iTunes,

Why do you find it necessary to ask me every other day if I want to download a new version of you.  I don’t.  Stop asking.

Happy with the version I have,


See?  A little silly.  A little funny.  Anyhowaways, I’m going to start writing these little letters regularly.  I’ll create a category for them so you can find them easily.  Perhaps they will make you smile or laugh and brighten your day.

3 thoughts on “Intro to Little Letters”

  1. bwuahaha! I knooow!! gah i was so not giving in till a few days ago when a videocast wasn’t working right so i decided to upgrade and then it worked better.
    see, that’s how they getcha…

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